The most common problems on Fifth Wheel couplings are purely down to a lack of maintenance. This is because fifth wheels are too often regarded as 'fit and forget' items, which is simply not the case. Maintained properly, a fifth wheel will give years of trouble-free service. We are therefore offering our ten-point check free-of-charge to promote this fact and we would encourage as many operators as possible to take advantage of this essential safety service.
Each item is evaluated using a 'traffic light' system, where
green = satisfactory,
amber = advisory and
red = urgent attention required.
The free-of-charge offer is open to all operators having the check carried out at the premises of JOST GB Ltd, Edbro House, Nelson Street BL3 2JJ Bolton, Lancashire. A visiting service is also available, for which a small charge to cover expense is made.
Safety is always the top priority for JOST and to help you stay safe too we've produced this guide to coupling and uncoupling trailers.
Check by appointment only!
To book your Appointment CALL:
TIM 01204 902 261
NEIL 01204 902 211